Enjoy the Memories

You meet a lot people as you go through life. You make a lot of “acquaintances”. You build a lot of “relationships”. But from my experience – you make very few FRIENDS. Dick Barron was my friend. Dick was someone I Trusted. Absolutely and Completely. And he trusted me – which meant a lot to me. He was someone I Respected. He was someone I could Confide in, Commiserate with, and Laugh with. He was someone I Cared about and someone who I know Cared about me. I feel blessed to have had a friend like Dick Barron – and I’m honored that the family has asked me to say a few words about him today. I had the privilege of knowing and working with Dick Barron for over 25 years. We worked together. We traveled together. We celebrated the victories together. And we walked through some valleys together. As I was jotting down some thoughts for this afternoon’s service some words came to my mind as I was thinking about Dick. The first word that came to my mind was Laughter. Dick Barron was FUN to be with. I always looked forward to our time together. HE BRIGHTENED MY

Touched by an Angel

Touched by an Angel

I’ve been touched by an angel. An earthly angel named Richard, Dick or Dickey Barron based on when during his life he affected your life. An angel so special, he was sent back prematurely to finish work of a higher calling. Reflect back on the last time he touched your life…….. personally, professionally, socially and you now realize what special gifts he possessed. Gifts to lift your spirit, brighten your day, ease your tension or just make you laugh. Gifts easily overlooked in a society often focused on what gets done vs. how those results are achieved. I first saw the angel just after I was born and immediately fell in love with him. He was everything you’d expect from an angel, patient, tolerant, kind and loving. He opened his arms and his heart, sharing his knowledge, wisdom and love as I grew. I admired him, tried to impress him and often emulated him. Then, our relationship changed. Not because the angel changed, but because my view of him changed based on external influences during my teens. He became the enemy, a man to be avoided and often feared. I pushed him away, building a barrier between us that would